
I would rather drop my mobile phone to put my hands back on the wheel than drop a lit fag into my lap and end up crashing anyway due to either my leg or the car being on fire.

A common misconception. Light up a cigarette and set it on a pair of jeans or a car seat. You'll notice a distinct lack of leaping flames. It smoulders. On the FEW occasions I ever dropped a cigarete while driving, I simply pulled off the road and recovered calmly. I think the worst damage ever done was a tiny burn on a fave pair of jeans.

All moot for me now, thankfully. Blech.

But for the sake of argument, consider this: You aren't able to subconsciously speak to someone on your cellular phone. You have to give it some of your attention. A smoker doesn't even have to give a millisecond of though to the cigarette (unless they drop it). Talking on your phone is FAR more dangerous (and something I will not do in my car. Period.)