Welp I just went out last night and got a 40gig Tivo, set it up and configured it with a wireless usb nic. I originally grabbed a 802.11g one cause that was all they had and they said it was backwards compatible with 802.11b which is what i run at the house. but it turned out it wasnt compatible with my tivo, so luckly my roommate had a 802.11b usb wireless nic, so he got an upgraded one

tivo got a handme down

Now when I get home I will see if I cant get it to record things. I played with the pause and slow mo features. pretty cool. I had to use the IR blaster for the regular cable box, but it was easy to setup. The pause in flipping channels is somewhat annoying but dealable. I dont know if its just me but for some reason the picture looks slightly fuzzy. not a whole lot but just a hair during normal live tv. anyone else have this? Id like to slap a 250gig HD in this baby soon