I had not voted in that poll yet, but I am one of those "undecided" folks that will wait until the last minute (last few days, anyway) before deciding. I have seen the debates and been back-and-forth as to who to vote for. (No, I do not need any supporting info about any candidates - I can find that data on my own... Thanks, though...

1) I do not see it as "snob vs. regular guy". I see it as a choice between two people I don't trust, a third that will never win but that I do not think is qualified given today's "geopolitical instability" and not voting. My only hope is that the people that control / help / advise the person who gets in will have a clue, and that the winner is smart enough to accept that help.
2) Four years later. I voted for Nader then, not liking either major candidate. Disgust and horror at the judicial struggles, dismay at people not being smart enough to read / understand a ballot (sorry - "I didn't realize who I voted for" does not work well for me), hanging chads (punch cards?!?!). It is just another symptom of even greater problems in "the system". Still, it is the best system we have right now and it takes a lot of time and work to improve it. I like to think that is happening, no matter how slowly progress seems to be made.
3) I do not think the war was a good idea, looking back on it. But at the same time, I do not know what intelligence, wrong or right, was in the hands of the president and congress at the time. From that perspective, it may have been the right thing. However it began, we are where we are - at war on many fronts and in many ways. Personally, I do not think it was as much oil driving the decisions to push in Iraq. I personally think it was more a matter of finishing what Daddy started...
4) Bad things will happen no matter which candidate is elected. The person in office is held accountable and is considered a scapegoat for anything that happens, better or worse. These policies can be decades in the making (economic, political, educational, etc.) before any results are seen. So, yes, bad things will happen.
5) Bulge... If it was a gun, I would smile at the president carrying a concealed weapon and be horrified at the thought of him playing with a loaded firearm. But, then, his guards would probably not give him a loaded weapon anyway... If it was a radio feeding him answers, I would be surprised by the intelligence of those behind the scenes and glad that they were at least trying to coach their candidate into giving a good answer.
I wish I could put together my own ticket and have it be placed on the ballot... Who would you (collectively) really WANT in office? No fair choosing fictional characters. Real politicians (oxymoron) only please. I think a Powell / McCain ticket might be a real winner...