Thanks again for your frank responses. I meant to respond more fully a while back but didn't get to it. I see Bush is still polling ~37%

Reponses from a Bush voter:

1) You must be an effete intellectual to dig that deep . I never really thought of liberals that way. The imagine of a tree hugging hippie always flashes in my head when I hear liberal. I don’t care how Bush, Kerry or Leo Strauss comes across. I’m voting for Bush because I agree with his stance on the majority of the major issues at hand. That basically sums up why I am voting for him.

My queston about Strauss was a soapbox question. The left are criticized as effete elete academic intellectuals, but Straussian influence shows me that this is not just the province of the Left. Strauss also propounded a near-mystic "esoteric" politcal philosophy that is about as elitist as they come and which institutionalizes the notion of "all things are not what they seem" in a way that lets smarmy neocons like Cheney pull out BS like "We have information the (9/11) Commission doesn't have." Liar. So the next time you are thinking about those snooty liberals, cut 'em a little slack, eh?

2) I felt that since it was so close maybe my vote does count. The inevitable screw-ups of the voting process will really come to light when it is close. I’m sure issues like Florida occur in every election you just do hear as much about them when it’s a landslide.

It amazed me that some people thought the outcome was a great triumph when (I think) we all should have been scared out of our wits. Four years later, after knee-jerk Diebold-style reactions to a huge problem, we could be in for a repeat. Our electoral history is chock-full of cases of fraud, but I see the 2000 Florida fiasco as the most frightening.

3) I’m not a big fan of the war now or then. I supported his decision to go to war because this is a republic; we elected him to make these decisions and with the evidence at hand (although it was wrong) I can see why he made that decision. Plus we needed the practice and the warranty on many of the bombs was running out .

As has been pointed out elsewhere, the evidence at hand wasn't on his side.

4) Bad – More and higher taxes, more money for welfare thus less people willing to work, worsening economy, a weaker stance in the world (Korea will probably step up aggression), more gun control laws, a lot of nothing getting accomplished and more governmental gridlock.

The fascination with armament in this country amazes me. FWIW, I don't think you have much to fear from the ever-pragmatic Dems WRT gun control!

On the tax break side of things, I can understand Identifying with the super-rich. But I have spent my last 4 lunch breaks sitting on a curb waiting for a limo to rull by and for some mysterious billionaire to throw a few mill at me, but it ain't working!

5) I think it was his coat label but really don’t care if someone was giving him his words. A president for the most part is just a puppet anyway. Besides, I will concede that Kerry is a better speaker but that does not make him a good leader.

Maybe you didn't really mean this. Maybe this was posted by someone *impersonating* you! No offense, but I find your answer pretty depressing. Hey, I asked, right?

I’m sure these attitudes do not represent the majority of Bush voters.

I'm not so sure. I'm still looking for other plausible explanations for that bulge.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.