Here's the image I mentioned. All areas mentioned below are boxed in red.

Basically I'd suggest making the top and bottom thinner - though not necessary for visibility, it makes the unit look more high-end and gives the illusion of a larger screen. You can see this on a lot of aftermarket units as well. Next, make the left side (between display and buttons) thicker so it matches the width of the far left. enlarge the space on the right toward the bottom so it doesn't look so heavy (not needed for sensors, just for looks). Widen the right side so it matches the left side.

I'm not sure what you should do about the top right - this was an area of debate for the original newface as well. I'll attach another image below which is a slight mod on the newface.

What thickness material are you planning to use? Definitely planning to radius all the corners, right? I do like the fact you're keeping stock button spaces - now to test replacement knobs of the same size (the stock one doesn't stick out enough for my taste).


240921-Fascia_On-mod.gif (1397 downloads)

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