So that's it for the moment. Here's the first thoughts Brandon and I have on where we're at...
1) The blanks look very good (thanks to our cutter), and are actually fairly light for being somewhat thick.
2) The blanks fit quite well on the empeg, the screw holes line up just right. They should allow a
very small amount of adjustability to allow for slight variations in peoples empegs.
3) The blanks may be just a
skosh too thick. We're gonna look at it and decide. If necc., we can take a bit of thickness off. It's hard to tell right now because, when "installed", the lens spaces it out a bit . This is because the void to hold the lens hasn't been milled yet.
4) We can't install the buttons yet, as the angle in the holes has yet to be milled. Hence the lack of buttons in the "installed" pic.
5) It may seem as if the screws are sticking out in the pic showing the fascia blank on my empeg. This is because they are , indeed, sticking out.

We have to have the "countersink" area for the allen screw heads bored out when the unit is milled.
6) The notch for the handle (the one you use to raise the handle to remove it from its sled) needs to be added during milling. We didn't forget it. The angle on the back of the handle will be done at the same time.
7) Surface detailing, of course, still needs to be done.
8) Brandon has pointed out that we may have to change our plans as far as selling the fascia without the handle and vice-versa goes. The handle was designed with the new fascia in mind, with no thought to allowing a "mix-and-match" situation. Using the new handle with the stock fascia would look pretty bad. Likewise with using the new fascia with the stock handle. We'll give it some more thought, but neither of us think it would look right.
That's about all we can think of for the moment. We'll keep everyone updated as things progress. I know it has been a long wait, but we
are getting there.