I've been putting this off, but my wife wants the CDs out of the house. Yesterday. So, I'm finally going to rip everything and I'm going to pay one of these services to do the job for me. An interesting question came up, though. Several of these services offer FLAC, Apple Lossless, and/or WMA Lossless. One firm that I didn't find last time,
MusicShifter has noticably cheaper prices than their competition and charges the same price for FLAC, even though it means they're sending you a whole lot more DVD-R's.
Another firm that I didn't find last time is
ReadyToPlay which, just like
GetDigitalInc, seems to place an added emphasis on the quality of their ID3 tags.
I'm pondering using a dual strategy of FLAC or Apple Lossless as an archive format and then down-converting to MP3 for the car, the iPod, and so forth. I've done a bunch of Googling on the topic, and haven't found any that you might describe as a point-and-shoot solution. Part of me wants to really solve this problem. The other part of me thinks that high bit-rate MP3s are good enough and then I can call it a day.