Fence sitting is a popular pasttime, but you have to ask yourself some hard questions.

- Is the empeg something you want, as-is, today? (I love mine and would never want to go back.)

- Is there any alternative to the empeg? (Maybe some of the portable gizmos like the PJB-100, but nothing really comes close to the empeg for all its features)

- Can you afford it today? (If you're on the fence for monetary reasons, go for the smaller hard drive and do the upgrade yourself.)

- If SolicBlue became a big evil company doing big evil things, would you still be happy with the empeg that you bought before all the big evil badness happened? (For me, I'm quite happy with what I've got. Everything else (and there's a lot else) is gravy.)

Admittedly, it would be awfully nice of empeg to drop their prices somewhat, but seeing how they have no real competition, they're charging what the market will bear. Right now, you're paying an early adopter penalty. For example, I got a new cel phone back in August. That same phone now is being advertised for half the cost. That's okay, though, because I wanted it *then*, so I paid a premium. If you want premium quality a MP3 player in your car today, the empeg is your choice. If you're willing to wait, and wait, and wait, something better will always come along.