I think we tried diesel in the 1970's and hated how dirty it was. Diesel is actually making a slow come back, but cars like the new Jeep Liberty are going to at least offer it. VW has had luck selling diesels here and is one of the few companies that has always sold them.
Of course, pickup trucks with diesel powerplants have always done well here (I have one) because of the longevity of the engines, high torque and good mileage. They are getting much quieter (at least my Isuzu designed Chevrolet Duramax engine is) and can start in the cold without an engine warmer.
I forget when , but I think in 2007, new "clean" diesel (similar to what you get) will finally be sold here and will make it more practicle. Basically, our diesel doesn't burn very clean, and that has turned people away. But that is changing soon. I really like diesel and can't wait for it to be a good option here.
Brad B.