I think the major reason I dislike Sci-Fi in general is the lack of imagination, most of them dress aliens up but they still have 2 eyes a nose and a mouth, yawn. And I think it also come from years spent with geeky friends at school discussing how teleportation will be soon possible, kinda put me off the whole scene, I wanted something a little more human for my entertainment.
I see what you mean. "Human-centric" SF is the best. See, for example, how several people mentioned Blade Runner (and I would add Stalker, Gattaca, early works like Logan's Run, lighter stuff like that made by Spielberg, and 2001 does not put me in coma
) That said, I admit to also enjoy, albeit in different way, techno-thrillers with SF element like The Abyss (featuring very different, at least physically, aliens) or good shoot-them-up special effects porn like Serenity promises to be. 
Leon is one of my all time favourites, too, and, judging by its IMDB entry, Sideways might also be my kind of movie (reminds me of Cassavetes' Husbands).
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
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