It does not bother me at all when spy shows take liberties with physics. You just sort of laugh when someone comes up with a device you can put on a computer monitor and it allows you to override the scurity system on the computer's network. Especailly in shows like "Alias" you know they aren't even trying to be serious.
What has been a mild irritant in "Alias" for me (we're still on season 3) has been CIA clearance of all things. I mean seriously, how many laws do these people have to break? I love that at the beginning of season 3 Jack is under such tight lockdown that no one can talk to him, and then Sydney gets him released by threating to destory something important. It's a stretch that they'd even release him at all or allow her to continue working as a CIA agent, but they actually let Jack go back to his CIA post as if nothing had happened. Another episode Jacke and Vaughn are taken into custody by their superiour, who is then murded ans suddenly they are free to go, no questions asked.
For whatever reason I can buy that these guys have all of these impossible technologies, but it I draw the line when it comes to security clearance!