This "shift" started around the end of last year, and I had been feeling more and more worried that things/attitudes were changing. This was one of the reasons I started the "Rob'll Fix It" sponsorship thread in December/January. The responses I got confirmed my feeling that there had been a subtle change here that I had somehow missed. The soul had gone.
I have to admit I was also a bit surprised at how few people expressed interest in sponsoring 3 beta (actually, obtaining it; I thing that virtuall all who were interested were also willing to participate in sponsoring it). True, three years ago it would be unthinkable not to be interested in a new piece of good empeg software. But, empeg was then an exciting new toy; now it is simply a part of our lives, like good old comfortable slippers. The atmosphere of the board is different: before we were like partying youngsters; now we prefer to have a beer and chat about our children. The soul has not gone; perhaps the youth has.
It feels even worse now. Flames and massive political/religious discussions have taken over from music and fun. Sorry, not what I am really interested in
I am certainly responsible for many of those political/religious discussions (if only for a very occasional flame). Understand me: there is no place that I know of with so many intelligent people with different geographical, political, professional and what not background. Those are important or at least very interesting topics for me, and I genuinely wish to hear coherent opinions different from mine. However, after several "everybody is against us" reactions I am much more careful now and sometimes resort to private communication with some board members. Again, pitty: that way you mostly hear from those who agree with you, anyway...
I believe I will finally make it to The Meet this year. I promise I will not be a bore, but if you judge I am spoiling the atmosphere, fell free to kick me and make me busy with another beer 
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
MkII #080000376, 18GB green
MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue