
Keeping them from climbing over the fence took a bit of effort, but now "no one escapes from Stalag-33".

How on earth did you manage that ? I am now imagining razor wire, machine gun towers, laser beams etc etc

Well, at first we tried raising the fence height to 6'+ all around, which prevented them from merely jumping over it. But later on, Rowan took up climbing things, and the fence was no trouble at all for her.

So we added a 16" overhang of thin / loose nylon netting, which seems to have done the trick. There are apparently full fencing kits available commercially for this, but we just bought the netting at the home center and did it all ourselves.

(photo attached)

EDIT: the netting is black, which is by far the best colour to use for such things. It is pretty much invisible from more than a few metres away.


258956-fence.jpg (114 downloads)

Edited by mlord (29/06/2005 19:38)