I will likely be glued to the TV tomorrow watching coverage of the Live 8 concerts. Anyone else? Anyone actually going to any of the shows? If the lineup for Philadelphia wasn't so awful, I'd totally be there, but somehow, Will Smith and Bon Jovi just don't seem worth driving 5 hours for...
Anyway, the lineup in London is obviously phenomenal, but the one that I'm really eager to see is the Pink Floyd "well, it's not really a reunion" reunion. I've read all sorts of stories, from "we're just doing this for Bob," to "the hatchet is buried, we're a big happy family again," so who knows if anything will come of this in the future. Heck, until the last chord is played, I'm pretty skeptical that all four of them will show up... Nonetheless, it's cool that an event like this has at least for the time being brought them together for the first time in 20+ years.
So, what's everyone else looking forward to seeing?