perhaps I should have asked whether Jeff would sacrifice his life and take the innocent lives of invaders' children, not if these invaders appeared poised to *imprison* Jeff and his children, but if their invasion looked like it would poison Jeff's children and deny them entry into the Kingdom of Heaven (or whatever afterlife suits your fancy). I consider it bizarre, but, seriously, if you believe in some Heaven and you believed you and your children could get there....save for the nasty actions of infidels/invaders/whatever...what measures would you be obliged to take?
Unfortunatly, the truth is you can't concieve of a situation where I would do this (unless it was something trully twisted like sacrificing myself and some innocents to save the planet from annihilation or something to that effect). I am a fundamentalist* (which is why you're picking on me
), and probably as fundamentalist about my faith as these bomers (or the ones who sent them), but the truth is that my faith is a bit different. Under my beliefe system there is nothing that could be done to warrant that kind of retribution. I do not believe a Christian is to wage Holy war, nor do I believe my children's faith could be poisened against the gospel as you suggest. I believe everyone makes their own personal choice about God and salvation, even if there are those trying to persuade you one way or the other. And THAT is a big difference between the kind of faith I have and those who are bombers. The Muslim faith (or that of these bombers) believes that a Muslim government will bring peace to the world, even if the people under it are not Muslims. This is kind of a topdown approach to faith and government. The Christianity I believe teaches that people make their individual decisions, which then can influence government- a bottom up approach to faith. Christianity has tried the top down approach before (the Crusades), but I do not find that consistent with my faith, nor do most Christians today.
The truth is that in a situation like you suggest, I would likely find myself dead for professing Christanity. Because as John said (and I actually consider it a high complement that he did, even with the note of humor), my approach would be to preach the Gospel to those who would persecute me. I agree I'd probably not be allowed to give any free concerts, though!
But I am concerned that, in my jaded gloominess, I am becoming a bit abstract. What, forty-something probably nice people were killed today? And more likely to die in the next few days?
Yeah, this is definitely the thing to keep in focus.
*I am defining "fundamentalist" as someone who seeks to rigidly adhere to the basic principles of his or her faith.
Edited by JeffS (08/07/2005 02:16)
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.