Hi all,
Wanted to post a note here since I saw this film, but been busy and didn't get a chance til now.
The 71 version of this film to me is classic, and I have been ringing my hands that Burton would pull this re-make off. I TRIED SO HARD to enjoy it, but found myself getting annoyed and pissed off by one major thing...
Depp just completely blew it for me. What the hell was that performance? A friend told me that he took inspiration from Michael Jackson, but I'm not sure I really see that - 'cept for the straight hair and child-like simpleton speech patterns... Wilder's Wonka was complex, interesting, dark, excited, brooding, and light-hearted. Depp's was just goofy and cheese-ball. I normally like his performances, but this one was a stinker, IMHO.
I did enjoy some stuff. To me, Danny Elfman is god, and his soundtrack was superb. He sang several of the Oompa Loompa songs, which was a treat for me. I've been a Boingo/Elfman/mkotob fan forever, and haven't heard Danny sing since the last Boingo show in Vegas... So that was worth the price of admission for me.
The Oompa's were pretty entertaining too. The kids/parents were suitably bizzare and bratty.
I was kinda disappointed that we didn't hear some of the best songs from the 71 movie like Candyman or I've Got A Golden Ticket, but to be honest, it's probably best that they didn't try to recreate those as I'd probably not have liked that either.
In the end, IMO, Burton has forever marred another classic movie.
Did you guys see Burton in the HBO making of show for Charlie? He isn't looking too good these days either.
The opinions expressed in this rambling message are my own. I know most people don't agree with these opinions, but they are mine, and all mine.

- Jon