C'mon, you know you want to!
No, I don't. Pim is right, the problem is letting go. More specifically the factory installed sub and speakers which I've paid extra for, and which sound satisfactory. I'm also not willing to start using a regular DIN sized HU again, and become vulnerable to thieves again. (standard HU are so very NOT interesting for thieves)
If only Alfa, or another manufacturer, would make a cd-interface-to-aux cable, all my problems would be solved. Unfortunately, this doesn't exist. Trust me, I've searched everywhere...
So no Empeg for me anymore... not in this car anyway. Unless one of those adapters would magically appear on the market all of a sudden. But I somehow doubt it... 
Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup