Price gouging is very illegal after a natural disaster. The morons that even think they can get away with it are quickly fined and often they lose their business license. The law varies from state to state, of course.. but all states have them.
That's why you haven't seen the gas price legitimately rise in Florida Alabama or Mississippi yet- because they are under a state of emergency. in 2 days or so, there will be insane increases- 30 cents++ more a gallon. it was 20c more last year after Ivan and it never went back down. fill your tank now to save a buck.
Any raised prices the day of the storm or even on Day +1 should be reported to your states' Division of Consumer Somethingorother (they have an office next to the ministry of funny walks) if you're under a State of Emergency..
I hate gougers! dieeee
*attached is a photo of the gas station a couple blocks from where I was, after hurricane Charley's eye passed over us last year. freaking amazing ...
263617-autoshop.jpg (431 downloads)
Edited by shadow45 (29/08/2005 22:58)
::: shadow45