Agreed, but that little fact didn't fit into my editorial snipe very well

and I didn't want to thread-jack with that horror and throw this thread into a 'which disaster is worse' argument.
However, the can is open, so I'll put in my $0.02 and have it done. Both events are horrific tragedies. I don't think there's anything meaningful to be gained by comparing/contrasting the two events. Time will tell the long term effects of both.
That said, I still think Al Jazeera's lack of any mention of the storm & its victims makes a better statement of how their editorial staff feels about the value of human life than anything I can say.
TonyC & Ninti-
Actually, there have been offers from all over. The U.S. has been turning them all down. Just because you haven't heard it on the news doesn't mean it isn't happening.
Here's one of the more frustrating examples of this situation.