My pinball machine has developed a fault, I have proved the fault to be a burnt out coil and a few tansistors, but I have a slight problem.
I have suspected the PSU board has been causing problems for a while, and now I have to order in some parts from the US anyway I figured I'd order a band new replacement PSU board too, along with a few other improvements (to try and solve a ground loop!)
Here is the problem, a previous owner has also had problems with the PSU board, and when on of the PCB connectors burnt out, they just cut the connector off and soldered straight to the board! This is not something I want on my shiny new $90 PSU board.
I use
this guys guides for most of my Pinball related problems, but now I have to buy the tools to do the crimping of the pins I have got a little stuck. Does anyone know which of the tools I need?
There seem to be several different tools listed, and all of them do different things! I would rather buy them here in the UK,
Farnell is best for me as I live almost next door. I have searched all over for a ruff guide to what you need, but they all assume some knoledge of what is needed

I know it may seem silly to buy an expensive crimper (I'm thinking £40), but the parts for the pinball are hard to come buy and I want the job done right. Burnt out Molex connectors is common in pinball machines, and I have been lucky so far I have not had this problem.
Any help would be great.