Attached is a result of a quick "perspective correction" of your image in PSP9.
Which is enough for my drawing challenged self to work off of. Thank You!
I'm all the sudden very tempted to get a tattoo that nobody would notice 99% of the time (says the guy that needs to be presentable in real life).
Uh, back, upper arm, shoulders? Or do you work naked? I did the suit thing for several years. If I crossed my legs a certain way you could see the ankle one. It kinda shocked people who didn't really know me because I "looked so conservative". Which worked the other way too, when some middle age dude would start getting undressed in my office to show me his. It's amazing the assumptions people make about what people are like based on job title and uniform. And something about a catholic priest with a dancing bear arm band cracked me up for a week.
Depending on how pale your skin is, you can get weird results. On of my wife's tattoos was done entirely in white ink, and the problem is that after a tattoo, skin heals slightly unevenly.
This one will be number 9, all of them have white in them. My skin is pretty predictable with white ink, heals fairly evenly, and after about a year or so, you can't really tell the white from my usual skin tone.
Of course, there are the fluorescent inks, but they all contain mercury - pretty much a BAD THING!!
Never heard this one. I thought everyone knew mercury was the reason the photographer and the milliner went batshit insane. I have heard of their being other types of metal particles in the irridescent and metallic inks (I've never seen a bottle of either myself), but never in the flourescent colors.
If your tattoo artist can't reproduce the chain from that drawing accurately, I'd find another tattoo artist.
Didn't even get this far with him. I've seen him work off of way crappier samples, so I'm sure he could. I just like to get my own hands on stuff and play with it before permanently marking it onto my body. The only tattoo I have that I didn't do anything with myself, while it looks great, kinda irks me for that reason.
He did insist on patch testing my skin, no less than three times, because he has heard that the particular brand of glowing ink he uses (the stuff they use to mark fish for tracking) has caused reactions in people with shellfish allergies. Not from the manufacturer, but via word of mouth. Better safe than sorry. He's also got work he did himself with the same stuff, which looks good at 6 years old. You can't see his at all.
Overall not worth the risk IMHO
This is where you and I differ. Stuff like that doesn't phase me, otherwise I might actually want to quit smoking. I prefer to keep my fears to irrational ones, like clowns, chewing gum, Richard Simmons, and heights.
Of course, before I go ahead with something so obvious as my wrist, it's gonna be tested out someplace inconspicuous first.
Plus our Jewish heritage frowns upon it (for obivious reasons).
Actually, I know Jewish cemetaries will not bury someone with a tattoo, but yet every jewish woman I know (and most men) have earrings. I know you can't be burried with the earings in, but the holes are still there. Can you explain the difference?
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony