Weighing in from the conservative/religious viewpoint, my denomination, the SBC, has been heavily involved to date providing over 54,545 volunteer days and 4,704,413 meals. They certainly didn't need or ask for the government's help with any of this. As a Christian, I believe that it is my mandate, my joy, my fulfillment, my faith to help those that are in need. Neither the government nor their money is not included anywhere in that process.

I agree with Tony that if the government wants to acknowlege faith-based charities, they should continue to offer tax exemption, so that money given in the name of God, Allah, Spaghetti Man, etc... goes where it is meant to go. That's it.

As far as the perceived "proselytization," I can only tell you what I experienced at the 3 distribution centers I visited. If handing people a Bible with their supplies and having chaplains and counselors on hand to answer questions is offensive, it is only to those removed from the situation. Those needing relief seemed to recognize that we did what we did in the name of Jesus Christ and expected no less. There was no pushiness, or high pressure speaches or anything of that nature, simply help and a gift.

EDIT: Interestingly enough, while they were perfectly welcome to refuse the complementry Bible, I didn't see a single case of anyone doing so.
~ John