I played through the F.E.A.R. demo and posted a
short review about it.
I am currently playing Battlefield 2, which is quite excellent (I only wish that you could populated a private multi-player game with bots). I also just started playing Age of Empires III. The AOE games have always been personal favorites, and this current venture adds some nice features to the series.
Games that are on my purchase horizon are Call of Duty 2 (I played through the demo and it was very nice) and Star Wars: Battlefront 2. I enjoyed the first SW:BF for it's general gameplay, intriguing levels, and ease of vehicle control. By biggest beef with it was the stupidity of the AI, which I hope they've corrected in this newest release.
When I really get bored, I sometimes play through my "older" list of enjoyables: Rome: Total War, LOTR: The Battle for Middle-Earth, Pirates!, Half-Life 2, and Star Wars: Republic Commando.