I just had another great idea. If you donīt want to do the rocket to the sun plan (eventhough it would be simpler), we could tear up each individual invitation into really tiny pieces, and then spread them out over a huge area. Think about it, a bunch of wedding invitations together is unwieldy, messy, and just trashes up our precious earth. But one tiny little shred of paper by itself is no big deal, as long as we keep all of them far enough apart.
But perhaps you want the invitations to be recycled or re-used for something else to help conserve our planetīs resources, in which case I have another good idea. Make stickers with you and your finaceīs names on them and also make stickers for any dates, times, and locations on the invitations. This way, the stickers can be peeled off later on, and the invitations can be used again for your friend or child. You could even sell them on ebay.