5) Has anyone here taken the GMATs? I was wondering how difficult it was, particularly if your background doesn't lend its self towards the subject matter. They claim that your area of work and education aren't determinant of how well you'll do, but I'm a little nervous about taking it. I'm doing it for a program I'd like to get into (I don't want to be a help desk technician forever...or even a few more years...).
I can't tell you how much I loath this test. The subject matter is fairly simple, but the questions are designed to trick you, literally. I did very well on the verbal section (98th percentile) and did VERY poorly on the math section. There is a type of question in the quantitative section of the test called Data Sufficiency which are pure evil. This type of question appears on NO other test and it will totally screw you up because thats's exactly what it's purpose is. So, my advice is to study HOW to take the test, much more than the material itself.
All that being said, I took the GMAT 2 years ago and I start at Suffolk University in Boston in January on my way to getting my MBA.