You can. You can score enough points via goals or whatever they're called to reach the winning score without anyone having caught the snitch. That's how I remember it from the first book.
Nope, or at least not the way I remember it (and I've heard the audio book three times due to a slighly obsessive wife and many, many road trips). What I remember is that the game simply does not end until someone catches the snitch- evidence of this was given by an example where one match took several weeks.
Just as a sanity check I looked at a few web sites and none of them said anything about ending the game at a pre-determined score, though one did say both captains could agree to end the match. Apparently my memory is not perfect, though, because according to every site I looked at the snitch is worth 150 points, not 100.
Boy, this thread is making me feel pretty silly. I fear I know waaay too much about an imaginary game that serves mostly as a plot device to make HP a hero.
Perhaps that is why I have a ban on HP audiobooks on roadtrips now! 
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.