You're scaring me. I too took my hacked CVS camcorder up today. Not with my SlowStick, though. I threw it on my Commander 2 because my stock prop on my SlowStick busted on landing tonight. I lost my mini usb cable in my move, so when I find it I will have the movie up. I flew for about four minutes the first time, but it didn't seem to record. The second time it did record for about a minute in the air before I had an accidental landing.
You mean the ground reached up and grabbed the plane?
I got some more flight time in this evening before it got too dark, and make another AP video, it's in the same gallery where the first one is. Much better landngs than the first time.
Now to work on my editing and flying skills 
Remember, a good landing is one that you can walk away from, a great landing is one where you can use the plane again.
78GB MkIIa, Dead tuner.