Well, my Christmas present to myself this year should be arriving in the next week

Jesus titty-fscking christ! Just when I thought I had enough for a 2405. Could I be rude and ask how much it cost?

Heck, I don't mind! With my employee purchase program it came to $1600. That's "Wow" expensive. Right there between "Ouch" and "Boing!" (there's an obscure reference for you - kudos to the person who can identify it).

Here's the way I figure it: I've been using the same Dell 19" CRT for nearly seven years. I'm proud of it for lasting four years of college and over a dozen 160 mile car trips between school and home. I wouldn't be getting a new monitor at all if this one weren't showing slight signs of aging. It's hard to explain, but there's a sort of loss of focus to the image. It's just slightly blurry. It's useable, and I still work on it for hours, but it's time to upgrade.

I figured that if my next monitor lasts me seven years, it's gonna be freaking great to start with