Sigh. What IS it with attorneys and WP? They are the only group of people that use it consistently that I've ever met. You'd think that all the people that have problems opening docs from them would influence their decision, but apparently not.

One way it was explained to me is that early on all the secretaries started on WP, and they just followed the upgrade path. Then when the attorneys started using computers (well, most of them, I have a few here who don't use them), they used WP because that's what their secretaries used. I think they're trying these days to switch over, but it's hard since we work with other law firms who also use WP. I think we have an application whose only function is to convert documents from one program to the other.

I'd like to mention that I love WordPerfect......5.1. After that it seemed like they were trying to go toe to toe with Word and the bloatware started piling on. I still think reveal codes is fantastic. Considering all the crap formatting that Word shoves down your throat, something like reveal codes would be the greatest thing to ever grace that application.