I think "acorn god" is rather over-doing it, I wasn't even anywhere near the real top league of acorn people - Neil Raine would probably fit that better given his amazing game coding on the BBC!

Many people will shudder at the thought of me inspiring programmers; bad habits learnt from me that early on in a programmer's life could be fatal

As for ArcBBS, I had an HDD crash and lost some source. Piecing it together again from sector editors meant that I somehow got a mismatch in the API somewhere (you never can tell how old the file fragment you've found is!) which meant the messagebase was never as stable again. I never did get to the bottom of exactly why that was (any messagebase corruption was a big, big, pain to sort out on big bbses like Arcade or TWoC) so it sort of withered a bit.

It's definitely all downhill now, yes. And the brakes don't work...
