The most upsetting thing to me about this whole damn thing (the war on terror), is that it is never going to go away. Its just going to prepetuate itself till God knows when. Its like, our generations Communism, but more IN YO FACE (and more of a pain in the ass) via modern technology.

It just seems to me like the "terrorists" are never going to be pacified. Their actual gripes are never going to be addressed, and if that doesn't happen in one way or another, I doubt they are going to have some sort of epiphany. On the other hand, you have the West which is trying to protect itself but at the same time constantly poking a stick at the wasps nest. All of this is being driven by an incredibly profitable war machine. There are just way too many people making way too much money to want this thing to stop.

Maybe I'm just being really cynical and negative but I swear I feel like we're going to be dealing with this in 2056.