Personally I'm looking at the 160GB Archos 504. Too much money at the moment, though.

And, despite what it says on the tin, not gapless.

Well, the guy on that forum isn't the sort I usually listen to, and his posts got me more irritated than his message. I'm wondering what kind of videos he tried playing on the device, and I wonder if he realizes that you need to purchase a software update to be able to play AC3 tracks. None of it seems like he's very well informed, for instance he didn't know you could use the player as a mass storage device until a few posts down. And he could have easily seen on the product site or in any review that the player doesn't come with a standard AC adapter.

Meh, I'll wait for more word on this before I denounce the product. Plus I'm not all that concerned about gapless playback. Few other players support it, so if they're trying I consider it a good sign. It would be nice if they didn't make false claims, though.