Thanks for the help all. I decided to buy this one yesterday The company that makes it is based in the South Bay, so it was only a 30 minute drive to go pick it up.
The reviews on AVSForum and on were generally very good.
They gave me a Faroudja demo DVD and showed me why their DCDi based player was better than a lot of other players. I tried it on my XBox, and man, they were right. The quality is SO much better. The artifacts and jaggies disappear on the Oppo. Of course, that DVD is made to showcase the things that the Faroudja does best...
On the whole, this player is really amazing. It's almost as good as watching HD content vs. SD.
It feels funny to be buying a new 480i DVD player when the HD-DVD drive is less than a month away, but I figure that I'll be watching a lot of 480i DVDs in the next few years, so it isn't a waste of money...
- Jon
P.S. Anyone wanna buy this?;rd=1&rd=1