Is there someone here living in the U.S. with practical knowledge and experience with solar energy as pertains to setting up a house to be "off the grid" that would be willing to spend some time on the telephone with me?
I am at the very haziest beginnings of an idea that might involve this, and need to find out whether my ideas are feasible and affordable, where to obtain the things I would need, pitfalls to avoid, installation/construction requirements, maintenance requirements, information about government subsidies/tax breaks, etc.
I am woefully ignorant on this topic and would be pretty much starting the learning process from scratch. If you are able to help and would like to do so, please PM me with a phone number and a day/time that would be convenient for you and we'll see if you can teach this old dog a few new tricks.
Thanks in advance.
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"