..You may have to customize one of the cable lineups to put the correct channels where you want them and disable the ones you don't want.

Okay, good to know that the software can do that.

The ATI Remote Wonder should work as long as the software you're using with it allows it to simulate keystrokes, etc.

By default, it comes up with mouse/keyboard emulation on Linux. But many of the useful PVR buttons do nothing -- some can be remapped simply enough, but others don't actually get passed up at all from the kernel driver. I can hack that too, but I'm just trying to size up the effort versus Myth (same problem with Myth).

$85 for SageTV when compared to the issues setting up Myth might as well have been free.

That's $85 for the first year, and then $25-30 for yearly upgrades.

I'm using Linux as the base platform regardless, and it sounds like SageTV is not much simpler than MythTV on the "Linux OEM edition". But for a pure Microsoft box (add $130 for *that* license), it would definitely make sense.

Thanks for helping us all out with the inside scoops!
