Ahh.. got it. On the first screen I had to select Antenna (check), but for the program guide one has to first select Cable instead of Antenna/OTA/whatever, and this then brings up another menu of cable companies, with "Antenna" at the top. Logical.

I guess that was one of those "violates good UI design principles" things that Bruno once referred to in another thread!
The only OTA channel missing from the program guide seems to be OMNI.2, which is a fairly newish (last year) OTA channel here in the Ottawa area. Maybe it'll show up there someday.
The Hauppauge remote also now works for me, after reinstalling the Hauppauge stuff, and then SageTV v6beta, and then rebooting (lots of reboots with the MS stuff..).
Next up: see if the power-management (auto suspend/resume) is any better than with Linux, and see if SageTV can be taught to find/use my digital tuner (I need to pull down a plugin or something for the hdhomerun).
If all that works, then it's time to see if MS will permit me to "activate" my legit XP-Pro license on that particular box..
Or maybe grab another 300MB disk from the stack, and do the whole shebang again with SageTV for Linux -- except they don't have a free trial version for that, so it's a bit of a crapshoot going that route.