carpal tunnel
Registered: 13/02/2002
Posts: 3212
Loc: Portland, OR
Quote: I launched into a tirade against a little gangbanger a few weeks ago for just tossing his yogurt container on the ground at the bus stop.
This has been a fascinating thread, but I have one question... what sort of self-respecting gangbanger would be seen in public eating yogurt? What's next quiche?

That said, I think I agree with Loren -- there's a grey area that you're missing, somewhere. What if it had turned out that the kid had stolen some candy because his friend had gone into diabetic shock a couple blocks from the store, but didn't have any glucose tablets on hand? (My dad's been in a similar situation with a work-mate, though luckily, he had some sugar packets in the glove-box of his work truck.) Your stepping in to "do the right thing" in that scenario could potentially cost someone their life.
But it is important to do the right thing when possible. This weekend, I stopped a bunch of folks from throwing rocks over the edge of the Grand Canyon, directly over a busy trail.