I went to traffic school when I was a teenager, and the instructor insisted that every driver in the room should drive 55mph in every lane on 495. His point was that you should go 55 and show the other people on the road that they should go 55. This thread reminded me of that "lesson."
I want to punch that guy and all his friends in the face. =p
In California the signs say "Slower traffic keep right". Since nobody ever considers themselves to be 'less than' anyone else insofar as driving is concerned, few people actually drive in the lane they're supposed to.
I really want those words to be changed to "Keep right except to pass". That's what the signs say in Nevada. It's much more direct and doesn't require you to compare yourself with others. Besides, if everyone *behind* you is limited to your speed, you're not actually *slower* than they are! Grrrr.
Please, let's not start on traffic etiquette! 
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