How is not forking out several hundred pounds for an office suite I don't need snobbery?
Because, like it or not, you do need the capability of reading what people send to you, unless you are such a snob that you don't care.
It really depends on your work environment. My manager needs to deal with the PHB types all the time so he does need a Windows desktop and he has one. I don't. So when he forwards me a Powerpoint project requirements document, is it snobbish for me to send it back when it'll take me 10 minutes to find a machine to read it on as opposed to 30 seconds for him to convert it? I don't think so, and he appreciates that. Or when the HR department sends a Word document to
[email protected] with subject "Important information", is it snobbish to remind them politely that 30% of the employees don't use Windows on their desktop?
And why do I single out Windows formats to moan about? I don't particularly like PDF or even HTML, but at least I can read them on the platform of my choice. If Microsoft would release a free (as in beer) viewer for most platforms, or allow other people to write one, a lot these problems would disappear. Otherwise, I'll just have to be a snob.
[soapbox] I know this is a contrarian opinion, but Bill Gates and Beelzebub are really not one and the same. Think back to what it was like running a computer 15 years ago. Do you really want to go back to C:> prompts and setting up separate print drivers for each piece of software you install? Microsoft is directly responsible for most of the changes made in the last couple of decades, and most of those changes have been for the better. [/soapbox]
Ouch, that hurt. It's one thing to say that Microsoft makes some great stuff (they do, especially hardware) but to claim that they are the source of all innovation... I had to count to 1024 before replying so that this doesn't turn into a flamewar.

Let me just say that it's Microsoft who gave you the C:> prompt in the first place.
ObEmpeg: I got my blue carry case today. Looks great... and a lot cleaner than my current one! Anybody know if these things would get too upset if dropped into a washing machine?