So, tell me, which views are the fucked up ones, and which are the "normal" ones? Can a "fucked up" person have relations with a "normal" person?
You know, honestly I think the "fücked up" views are anything contrary to one's own. And I think it's very hard for any of us to have a relationship with those who possess views we find "fücked up". For instance (from a conversation some of my friends and I had the other night, and I KNOW I'm gonna hear it on this), I have no problem with incest, WHEN IT'S CONSENSUAL. As in brother and sister both of age. Do I find it repulsive? Yeah. But hey, I'm not the one doing it. But far be it for me to judge what people should or should not do. Granted, there's the question of "flipper babies" in that situation, but that's another discussion.
So please, let's remember: Dave is not into incest. Dave does not support incestuous molestation. Dave is grossed out by family members doin' it. Dave feels it is not his place to tell those family members not to do that.
