It's so easy to get under you guys' skin. Lighten up!

Drakino, I'm glad we settled things through PM. It's your site, so I'll let you call the shots. I think this article is relevant:
Create an e-annoyance, go to jail 
President Bush signed into law a prohibition on posting annoying Web messages or sending annoying e-mail messages
The annoy police are going to get us all!!!11 
The truth is -- this thread wasn't about retards. It was an experimental foray into social dynamics. How can one person, with seemingly innocent comments, cause such an uproar of divisiveness? Isn't this what is being done today in our country on a much larger scale?
A nation divided is a nation conquered. We have become politically polarized, perhaps purposefully manipulated so, by petty, unimportant issues. The ultimate result is chaos and -to quell the chaos- authoritarian rule. We're chasing ghosts, always pissed off at an imaginary enemy.
We should set aside our petty differences and stand together as Americans, nay, as fellow human beings, in the same way that we, here, will always be united as fellow empeggers.
I suggest we start a new thread and take the things we learn from micro societies such as this, and such as in the movie Das Experiment, and discuss how they can be applied to the world society at large. I would be very interested in hearing the opinions of many of the very intelligent people that post here.
Experiment mode = off. Feel free to discuss freely. Because deep down, I know that we're all friends here, and at the end of the day, that's what it's all about.