Heat is more likely to be the issue than dust. Unless all of your roof is in shade the attic will get very, very hot in the summer.
My servers live in the garage and they get all sorts of dust and crap through at them. I have never cleaned the insides of them in the 5 or so years they have been there and they are still going strong* (even though they also regularly see 80% humidity as well).
* ok, so the PSU fan on one makes a nasty noise and 2 of the 8 disks have failed/are failing, but they are still running
Odd idea of still going strong there Andy!
Well, the PSU fan started make the noise about 3 years ago and I have had more hard disks fail inside the house in that time than the ones that died/are dying in the garage. So yes I do 
If you give it a good clean before you move everything in and then a regular clean then I don't see it being especially dusty.
Depends a lot on the construction of the roof, on our 1930s house all sort of crap works its way between the tiles and the timbers. So our loft is very dusty and dirty.
Anyway, as I've said before it is the temperatures that pretty much rules the loft out as a place for servers.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday