Rob, go easy on Ernest. I met him at the owner's meet in Woodside. He's a nice guy.
Reasonable. No doubt he is a nice chap, I haven't met him. Maybe I was a bit too quick off the mark, so sorry I was snappy Ernest. For some reason, my worst outbreaks seem to coinicide with my kids getting sick and me spending half the night wiping up. My sensayumer is a bit iffy at the moment.
However, I will say this; it has become a characteristic of the people attending this board to spend the barest minumum of time researching their questions from the threads available; to constantly repeat the same old questions without checking the FAQs; to perpetually "Demand" something for nothing; to continually ask for release dates that not even the development team can promise truthfully.
Tony, you know as well as I do just how much work they have on in Cambridge; not everyone is aware of this, OK, but it seems as if patience just does not seem to be a useful characteristic here any more. [Lancashire Pub Voice] I meean, when I signed up, I 'ad ter wait two whole
years before I could even
order mine!

[/Lancashire Pub Voice]
I mean, what difference is a few more weeks going to
really make? I can almost
hear the moans that are going to go up when 1.1 finally appears; not 'cos it's buggy, but
because it apparently doesn't look all that different. No thought or consideration is going to go into the amount of work that has gone into making it look
exactly the same, (give or take a few features), but have a much better infrastructure ready for the next generation of major feature jumps. Noooo, it'll just be:
"Awww, maaan, is that all?????"
I really wish, wish,
beg you would put up a couple of FAQs:
Q: When is the tuner/1.1 software/VR software going to arrive????
Q: What's the most important characteristics for an empeg car owner?
Q: What's the most important part of owning an empeg car?
* Delete as appropriate.
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners...