She was correct for the most part...They do have them in stock (in the warehouse.) There are 10G, 20G, 30G & 60G models available, the RD100-10, RD100-20, RD100-30 and RD100-60, as you'd figured. Car Toys should be able to look them up and order them if you give them that SKU #.
Regarding, the demo players for each store, I know they have them as I as I was in their warehouse a week ago putting content on them. ****OK, disclaimer time: The track selections and structure aren't exactly perfect, but are better than distributing them blank and leaving content up to each store... It was all we could legally get our hands on in a very short turn. End disclaimer time****
We've been encouraging them to get the units distributed to the stores, but they are Car Toys property now and there is only so much direction we can offer. They'll have literature once those units are distributed (it is in the display unit boxes.) When we get the training guides finished--they are just about ready to distribute--they should take the staff through a working knowledge of the characteristics of the players.
Go easy on their staff though, as you know: When you live with one day to day, it changes your listening style and your life. The sales staff won't necessarily "get it" right off since they won't have that luxury. I'd sure appreciate it though if you could help them understand how amazing these players are. Presently, they should also be able to order lens kits. Next week they will have additional harness/can's and power supplies. And ultimately remotes (could be up to two months out on these as we had to source a new manufacturer)
Also, we're working to leverage their in store terminal with a more complete demo of the player and the interaction with the software to give customers and staff a better depth of understanding in how the product works.
Hope this helps you understand where things are.
Best regards,