Regarding, the demo players for each store, I know they have them as I as I was in their warehouse a week ago putting content on them.
The north Colorado Springs store now has their demo unit, but it came blank according to a few people. Not sure what happened, but they are going to look into getting it on display soon, once their internet connection comes back up and they get some music onto it.
The people up there were definitly interested though. I showed mine to a few of the employees, and one said something about hitting a co-worker for wanting to do a "trash can toss contest" with it. The employees agreed that it dosen't look flashy so they ignore it at first, but once they see it going they love it.
I'll probably head back up Tuesday with my laptop in the car for any help they might need getting the unit up completly.
Oh, I have a feeling some of the early sales are simply going to be the Car Toys staff. One of the people at the store really wanted it, but he indicated he would have wife problems if he bought one