Thanks for the great work, Tom! I'm sure it's not an easy feat to upgrade a message board like this. I'm impressed!
One question: is the amount of space in-between every post (in flat mode with info on the left) bigger now than it was before? I'm certain that those 10px or so didn't used to be there, but was the bar at the top of each post? I'm sure it must have been, because it includes the post title. Still, there seems to be more scrolling than there used to be. Of course, this could all be style sheet stuff, so I'll wait for things to work themselves out.
Keep up the good work!
(ps- this is a teeny-tiny, unimportant, nit-picky, low-priority request that I'm almost embarrassed to mention: when you click on "Quick Reply," is there a way to keep it from putting in the single space it inserts at the beginning of your post? Clearly this is the last thing you should have to worry about
