So I get an Ipod Classic 160GB for Chrismas
Me Too
OK, that's cool, that's got twice my empeg capacity but
All I want for Christmas is for my Ipod to look like my Empeg
itunes,,, um,,, sucks
I use Winamp, I couldn't get on with iTunes
My first thoughts is on the ipod it seems there is no way to have playlist heirarchy, and nothing like wendyfilters, the ipod buttons are similar in the way they work I like that, but the software is no way as cool, refined and simple as the empeg,
I was more comparing it with the Karma, and finding it lackingin the UI
I was taking a look at Lipod Linux, and it seems I can get linux on my Ipod,
you guy's should release a version of the Empeg Software to replace the ipod software, and sell it as a commercial package
I'd pay for that - EmPod
with linux on the ipod and the ipod doing all the brains could you could have a head unit which looks like an empeg, where the front flips open and you plug your ipod inside, shut the front and it runs the empeg software from the ipod and emulates a empeg to the front displays and buttons by remote controlling the ipod inside.
I cant find any ipod head units where you can plug it inside and it transforms into a car player
Check out the new Parrot Car Radio, all that and bluetooth too: Scheduled for Jan 9
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag