Three years ago, my eldest brother died. So my father and next older brother flew in here from the east coast, and we drove the next 500Km together to the funeral, and then back again the same day.

Which coincided with a largish snow storm by local standards -- about 12-15" of fluffy-yet-sticky new snow over the day, with perhaps a 6" depth on some of the secondary highways throughout much of the day. Side streets in towns had more like 12" of it.

I spent much of the drive weaving around stopped/abandoned vehicles of many types, on flats and hills, trying to maintain a decent speed so that we could complete the journey there and back in the time available.

The scooby is the only car I've ever driven that could have done this safely. Much to the amazement of my family, who are used to owning/driving "proper" trucks with 4WD.

The scooby lacks their ground/snow clearance, but makes up for it in its smaller size and greater maneuverability.

And having Hakka's on all four wheels certainly doesn't hurt. smile


Edited by mlord (05/01/2008 20:20)