Add some Nokian Hakkapeliittas. If far enough north to avoid guilt, studded.
Are they still around? .....
Well, heck, yes. In the US, you might have to look around a bit, but I got mine at a very typical tire outlet (Les Shwab) and they had some in stock when last I was in the store. In Canada, Kal Tire keeps stock (a compatriot got a couple off the shelf in Inuvik, NWT after shredding a couple in a crevice in the McKenzie River).
I have 5 studded Hakka 1s with some life left. I'll put them on next weekend to go north for a little MLK holiday lake driving....and then take 'em off the weekend after I get back. Studs are still legal here November to April but the stud ruts on sections of Interstate 5 are profound, so I can't keep 'em on the car for long without severe guilt.
Studded of unstudded, though, the Hakkas are awesome combination snow/slush/gravel/mud tires.