OK, That makes sense. I was 5 when it came out, so I hadn't been exposed to the TV series yet. Not that it mattered, as I didn't see it 'till I was 33.

That being said, I do enjoy the Star Trek franchise. It's all the little details that I love. For example, the warp engines are really just massive gravity well machines. They physically warp space and the ship just slides through. They stuck the warp drives waaay of the main part of the ship so the gravity well doesn't affect the ship. In other words, they don't have to break the laws of physics to go faster than the speed of light. They never actually go that fast. They just make the far away places come to them. Neat.

I always loved Firefly for just this reason. It's the only space based show/movie I can think of that when they're in space, the ships and guns make no noise. It was also just plain fun. I'm still pissed they canceled that show.